For those wishing to acquire restricted firearms in Canada (ie handguns) you require a firearms Possession and Aquisition Licence (PAL) with both restricted and non restricted endorsement.  You cannot attend the restricted firearms class until you have successfully completed the non restricted class (or if you have a valid non restricted PAL, that is fine).  This course normally runs about 5-6  hours plus testing.  Note that if you are taking your training for employment purposes, most organizations (including CBSA) require both the non restricted and restricted firearms class.  We always put a rich selection of firearms out to make your class more interesting.  In Ontario if you attend the non restricted course (CFSC) and the restricted course (CRFSC) back to back, then we are allowed to excuse you from the class a little earlier than those students who attended the non restricted class (CFSC) more than 30 days prior.

Cost for the CRFSC if you attend back to back is $170 (including HST, for a total of $407 for both classes)

Cost for the CRFSC as a standalone course is $170 (including HST)